Silly Jay-Z, but typical of left-wing hypocrisy and ignorance
Guevera was a known racist who had, in particular, a very low opinion of people with Jay-Z's skin colour. Guevera was also an extremely violent man, becoming known as Castro's Butcher.
good blog. verry interesting. tahank for your post.. I ask if I considered spam I just want my articles can be useful to others, such as the following article coretankerja thanks may be useful for all.
A Bishop Insults Trump
Photo Credit:
Carol M. Highsmith Colleciton, LoC
An Episcopal Church bishop appeared to directly address President Donald
Trump, who was in attendance ...
Good looks and the Trump campaign
Two prominent figures in the Trump campaign are RFK Jr and JD Vance
In my judgment both are very good looking men in a manly way and will
appeal to older...
Let’s just defund the UN and leave it immediately
Hidden deep below the headquarters of the United Nations’ aid agency for
Palestinians here is a Hamas complex with rows of computer servers that
As Good As A Rest, They Said
Or, The Cause Of All The Banging And Salty Epithets. After close to sixteen
years, this blog has a new home. Come see. Bring cake.
He's Castro's Son
People's Karaoke *He's Castro's Son*
[image: trudeau truck.jpg]
*Canadians peacefully protesting*
Trucker, Trucker
There's SO many of you d...
EU Referendum blog: end of an era
From today, 13 January 2022, the Eureferendum blog database will reside on
the *Turbulent Times* domain, largely as an archive. The site will no
longer be ...
Shares bounce back, HQ moves and holiday rip-offs
After a number of dicey days on the markets, UK shares are regaining some
of the ground lost in the wake of…
The post Shares bounce back, HQ moves and ho...
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ReplyDeletegood blog. verry interesting. tahank for your post.. I ask if I considered spam I just want my articles can be useful to others, such as the following article coretan kerja thanks may be useful for all.